Insigma Hengtian was Invited to Attend the 3rd IOBD

Nov.2-3, 2010, the International Outsourcing Business Development (IOBD) Summit, sponsored by the city government, was held in Hangzhou. As an outstanding domestic outsourcing service provider, Insigma Hengtian was invited to attend this event. During the summit, Hengtian met with leading companies in different industries from all over the world as well as ITO/BPO providers to share its experience and opinions of the development of outsourcing industry in China.

Over 400 guests from more than 20 countries and regions attended this annual conference, including enterprises from the world’s Top 500 and Global 2000, and various international outsourcing service providers and local top enterprises.

Ms. Tong Guili, Deputy Mayor of Hangzhou City, gave an address in the opening ceremony. She stated that Hangzhou will grasp outsourcing service development opportunities via “six further” and implement new policies to encourage and speed up development of the outsourcing industry. In order to commend enterprises and individuals that have made outstanding contributions in promoting China’s service outsourcing development over the last five years, the conference held the “Five –year Achievement Award of 2006-2010 China Service Outsourcing Best Commerce Practice” award ceremony.

During the ceremony, Insigma was awarded the honor of “The Best Business Practice on China Software Service Outsourcing 5 Years Achievements Award”, and Insigma’s President Mr. Shi Lie was awarded the “Grand Prize of China Service Outsourcing Development 5 Years Achievements Leaders Award”. Despite the financial crisis, Insigma grew as a top financial services provider and achieved great business breakthroughs with its long-term accumulation of international enterprise service experience, setting an example for the outsourcing industry. Insigma was invited to join the panel discussion session as a special guest, and shared ideas regarding development of China service outsourcing industry in the next five years. Insigma also made a road show to present Insigma Park and its success stories especially in financial services outsourcing.

As one of the demonstration cities of the Chinasourcing model, Hangzhou’s government and service providers have been recognized over the last five years for their accomplishments. The future five years will certainly be a key period for Chinese service outsourcing to stride forward. Insigma Hengtian, a leading financial service provider, will implement the spirit of government “Service Outsourcing Thousand-Hundred-Ten Project” document and contribute greatly to the realization of Hangzhou’s “Paradise Silicon” and “international financial outsourcing center” plan.