From Nov. 18th to 20th, the Gartner China Outsourcing Summit 2008 was held in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province. Sponsored by Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology and Sichuan Provincial Government, this event was the first international service outsourcing summit in China with the joint collaboration of China Council for International Investment Promotion (CCIIP) and Gartner Inc, a leading provider of research and analysis on the global information technology industry. Guests from a wide range of industries and countries attended the summit, including senior executives of international service buyers, Gartner experts and senior analysts, international outsourcing association leaders, and leading Chinese outsourcing providers.
With the theme of “China Services for the World”, this summit aimed to promote the overall image of China service outsourcing and to push the development of outsourcing industries in China. At the event Insigma was honored as the “Leading Company of China Sourcing”, and Insigma gave a presentation on its successful case studies. During this summit Insigma arranged further business communications and meetings with potential clients and Gartner senior analysts.
The Gartner China Outsourcing Summit plays an important role in providing an open discussion and communication platform for international service outsourcing venders and buyers. It will greatly help China brand itself as a top service outsourcing provider and transform itself into the next largest shore for offshore sourcing solutions.