ICITFS 2007 was Held in Hangzhou, China

From Nov.5th to Nov.7th, International Conference On Information Technology For Financial Services (ICITFS) 2007 was held in Hangzhou, China.  Building on the success of previous 6 conferences, ICITFS 2007 joins the efforts of Hangzhou Municipal Government, Zhejiang University, Insigma Hengtian and State Street Technology Zhejiang (SSTZ) in providing an open discussion and exchange forum for technical experts from State Street and its partners.  As one of the most highlighted program of West Lake Expo Hangzhou, China, this conference has attracted over 200 guests, including representations, CEO, EVP –level senior management from State Street Corp., ABN, IBM, SUN and other leading international financial and IT corporations and headquarters.

The main theme of ICOTFS 2007 is Communities and Enabling technology.  The conference is focusing on presentation and discussion of empirical and conceptual research. Topics covered by the conference include virtual community formation and development, communities of interest, communities of practice, knowledge sharing and organizational learning, communities and business models, enabling technologies, case studies of community building and development, etc.

ICITFS is an annual technology conference held in Hangzhou, China, where professors and scholars from Zhejiang University together with technical and business experts from State Street Corporation and worldwide leading IT companies such as IBM,SUN, Microsoft, Adobe and others host seminars, workshops and technical discussions on the latest information technologies and technical concepts and exchange ideas and views on how the latest information technologies could contribute to the world’s financial industry. ICITFS was first held in Hangzhou in 2001 sponsored by Zhejiang University and State Street Corporation and has been widely considered as the most highlighted and distinguished conference in the field of Information Technology and finance service.

Hangzhou city, Silicon Valley in Paradise, in recent years has developed rapidly in fields like software development, service outsourcing, animation cartoon and especially made great achievement in financial service outsourcing.  A few influential IT corporations are emerging here, such as Insigma Technology Corp, and other companies that specialize in financial service outsourcing. All that will provide broader space for financial service outsourcing and Information Technology to develop in Hangzhou.  According to the data from Hangzhou Municipal government, RMB 100 million will be especially invested on service outsourcing industry annually till 2010, and total revenue of service outsourcing industry in 2007 is expected twice as that in 2005.