Hengtian Presented at IBM Mainframe Event 2013 CDUG Annual Conference

The 2013 CDUG Annual Conference took place on October 11 and 12, in Shanghai. It is an important event in the mainframe field and was sponsored by IBM.

Hengtian’s Marketing Director Dr. Uny Cao and BlueMorpho Product Manager Yang Li attended this event. Yang Li shared with the audience thoughts and experience accumulated on automated legacy system re-engineering during the “Legacy Cobol System Analysis Solution” section. It brought lively interaction between the speaker and the audience, and among the audience.

Attendees of this event included delegates from mainframe users such as ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Morgan Stanley, as well as teachers and students from Chinese universities.

This event talked about market demand, appliance of advanced technologies, as well as talent training in the “Corporate Computing” field. Hengtian’s attendance generated good feedback and business leads.

The CDUG (Chinese DB2 User Group) is the Chinese branch of IDUG (www.idug.org). It is a non-profit organization started by the Tongji University Software College as a platform of communication and collaboration between universities and mainframe users. This is CDUG’s 6th annual conference. The annual events are well received by mainframe users.