On July 29th, Hengtian’s 12th Anniversary Town Hall was successfully held. Hengtian employees in Hangzhou, Shanghai, and Hefei attended this gathering in the local offices or via video conference. The CEO of Hengtian, Mr. Bo Zhou, gave a speech to share the current corporate status, and the Vice Presidents, Mr. Jianjing Yang, Mr. Jian Wang, Mr. Wei Shi, Mr. Jun Chen, and Mr. Xiaochun Zhu, together with Mr. Xiaoyu Mao, the chairman of the labor union presented the awards to the five-year term and ten-year term employees in order to thank them for the dedications they made for the company.
During the meeting, Mr. Bo Zhou reviewed the corporate plan and strategy which were set five years ago, and acknowledged the progress and achievement Hengtian had accomplished thanks to that all the employees worked together like a family. In the future, the company will concentrate on technical services as always, keep creating high quality products, and increase the investment in expanding the European and global markets.