Co-Sponsored Innovative Technologies Seminar a Great Success

On June 22nd, the first Innovative Technologies Seminar, co-sponsored by the Software College of  Zhejiang University and Hengtian and organized by the Software Engineering Lab of the Software College of Zhejiang University, successfully took place on Zhejiang University campus. Nearly 100 academia and business experts attended the event and contributed to the dialogue on eight cutting edge subjects  in cloud computing and big data.

Research scholars in the fields of software and computer science from Zhejiang University and the Rochester Institute of Technology as well as senior technical experts from Hengtian were invited to give speeches on various topics including “Lightweight Cloud Foundry Based on Docker”, “Technical Dialogue on E-Payment Real-Time Risk Monitoring”, “The CEP Streaming Data Processing Engine”, “Big Data Analysis Based on Spark” and “Smart Home System Based on IoT and the Mobile Internet”. During the Q&A session after each speech, guest speakers and attendants engaged in thought-provoking, in-depth discussions.

The seminar appeared to effectively promote communication and cooperation among the R&D teams of different technological fields, and to provide an opportunity for external partners to learn more about the R&D work carried out by the R&D teams of Zhejiang University and Hengtian. It also allowed for the introduction  of effective technical solutions for  software engineering practices.