Cisco China Chairman and CEO Mr. Jim Sherriff Visited Insigma

On Feb 17th, Mr. Jim Sherriff, Chairman and CEO of Cisco China, met with Insigma Group executives to explore further business collaborations in a wide range of areas and to deepen cooperative relations in new industries.

Insigma Technology CEO Mr. Lie Shi, Vice President Mrs. Yi Jiang, Mr. Xiaohu Yang and Grace Gu and Iinsigma Global Service Vice President Liang Cai joined the meeting.

As the influence of international economic crisis, Cisco’s China strategy has become the most important part of Cisco’s global strategy. Cisco has set itself the goal of being the transformation partner of China and growing its China business to 10% of its overall company revenue – a vision called China 3.0. In a recent public statement, Mr. Jim Sherriff stated that Cisco China would keep its promise of investing USD 16 billion into China. Driven by Cisco’s differentiated strategy and its vision of China 3.0, Cisco China aims to make China one of the company’s top three world markets in the next five years.

As a China leading network and software company, Insigma has been Cisco’s second largest partner in China. Since long, Insigma has been working with Cisco in such areas as distribution, industry-centric IT service and SMB Market. In the context of Cisco’s China strategy, the main point of concern for both Cisco and Insigma is how to enhance their partnership.

Insigma is a leader in the China-based IT services and outsourcing market, serving clients in the US, China, Japan and U.K. Powered by Zhejiang University, Insigma experienced 50% of average growth rate in its outsourcing business for consecutively 7 years. In 2007, the company ranked in the 2nd place among the top 25 outsourcing providers in China and 5th place in the software industry in China. During the meeting, Mr. Jim Sherriff expressed appreciation of Insigma’s business model and its achievements. Mr. Sherriff spoke highly of the business proposals from Insigma and a consensus on broadening strategic partnership was established during the meeting.